End Play

An endplay, in bridge and similar games, is a tactical ploy where a defender is put on lead at a strategic moment. Cue Rod Rosenstein confirmation as the deputy attorney general who will oversee the Russia investigation. Trump seemingly on defense has now taken the helm. First act. Fire FBI Director, James Comey. Discredits him on that front and creates doubt about ending Hillary’s email investigation. Could backfire. Demand for special prosecutor got louder.

Brilliant? Or. Cynical? We’ll see. Hot summer ahead.


Women’s movement. For some women. Not all women. Christine Lagarde spurned at Smith College graduation. Condoleeza Rice run out of Rutgers. Ann Coulter banned from Berkeley. Ivanka booed in Berlin. You don’t have to agree with all women. You just have to acknowledge that they are actually women. Okay. People. With independent opinions. Worth listening to. Then agree or reject their views.

Le Poison Pen

Barbs and arrows are flying in France pre-election. It will be close. And Marine Le Pen could disrupt the EU beyond repair. She is set to write a chapter worthy of Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Exploiting her native land’s intrinsic jingoism. The most chauvinist of all European countries. Where nationalism has always been a way of life. As Brexit and Trumpxit have prevailed, Frexit could be the final blow to Yerp as we know it.

Comedy v. Comity

Bi-partisan comedy shows. Rachel Maddow. Judge Napolitano. Very little comity to go around. Colleen columnist Peggy Noonan calls for reaching across the aisle in today’s WSJ. It’d be a nice change. From farcical hyperbole to creative cooperation. Green beer and shamrocks notwithstanding. Won’t happen.

What’s funnier than Carol Colitti Levine celebrating St. Patrick’s Day?! Irish eyes are smiling, Mom!

Route 66

A sixties television show. An old blogger. An interstate highway. A long and winding road. Leads me back to NYC. And a new/used mAdBen iPhone 6. At least it works. So do I after all these years. Mostly. Dr. Husband preparing a fine dinner. Black Cod. Yum! Happy day.

Tweet the Press

Media elite retreat? As tweets beat the press a new era emerges. The good news may be that those cozy with the Washington ruling class no longer hold sway. Incestuous relationships formerly affording access and creating bias will be broken up. Hope so. Maybe reporting will return to what it was meant to do. Objective investigative work with no political agenda. It could be a better journalistic environment serving the general public.

Unless. Oops. Mika & Joe seen lurking around Mar-a-Lago. Nothing’s perfect.

Sonnet Sets On 2016

The sun finally sets on this quake year
Disruptions left fissures as yet unclear
Nation shaken by Heartland’s frustration
Rally-rocked stadiums in rural towns
While shuttered Main Streets heaved up in despair
As tone deaf hunkered under safe bunkers
Beneath cloistered thought-gated college lawns
In cocktail cult kissass-disguised newsrooms
Consulting class glass shattered on both coasts
Hit by a political tsunami
From Brexit to Nexit the EU cracked
Populists tilted globalist axis
Expect tectonic economic shifts
And frequent volcanic Trump eruptions

Christmas Bliss

Okay. Promise in the New Year not to wax poetic so much. About living in New York City. Again. Finally. Central Park. I get it. Enough about loving it here.

2b56643a-bccf-436b-a11b-9d70652ae29eBut. This beautiful Christmas Day on Oak Bridge will always be at the top of my bliss list.



Mar-a-Loco Diplomacy

Waking up to Mika & Joe in pajamas is unnerving enough. Creepy Christmas tidings. Then Sean Spicer, newly named Press Secretary, tries to calm everybody down saying that Trump just wants to modernize our nuclear capability. But. No. Mika in her jammies tells us she spoke to the Donald and he is fine with an arms race with Russia or whoever. There’s a new sheriff in town. John Wayne and his wild west shoot from the hip foreign policy is born.

For all of you pundits looking for a Trump Doctrine. Take refuge in the closest bunker for the next 4 years. It ain’t gonna happen. To top it all off. He golfed today with Tiger. Mar-a-Loco. Merry and Happy!!

Holiday Dilemma

Which’d you rather?

Spiked egg nog or faux champagne.
Lobster Newburg or a burger.
Gift cards or re-gifts.
Multi-color or all white lights.
Nutcracker or cracked nuts.
Trump tweets or Hillary whine.
Menorah candles or melted gelt.
Jersey Boys or Rockettes.
Rock Center or Smugglers Notch.
Or just scotch on the rocks.
Kitty kreamer or Chia pet. Or. Hatchimal.
Kathy & Anderson or Ryan & Jenny.